Search Results - elizabeth+martinez

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Novel Perioperative Handoff Tools (protocols and instructional video) to Guide Multidisciplinary Transfer of Information and Technology Following a Patient Operation or Procedure
C10799: Perioperative Handoff Tools Following a Patient Operation or ProcedureValue Proposition: The disclosed invention is a protocol & educational video to guide perioperative patient handoffs from the operating room to ICU to PACU. This protocol details: [1] key multidisciplinary health care providers who should be present at the bedside, [2]...
Published: 7/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elizabeth Martinez, Hanan Aboumatar, Michelle Petrovic
Keywords(s): Clinical Workflow Management Tools, Educational Movie/Video, Healthcare Management, Operations Management, Procedure Adherence Tools
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Clinical Management, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Healthcare IT, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software
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