Search Results - gregory+aranovich

2 Results Sort By:
Measurement of Surface Areas for Porous and Particulate Materials
Unmet NeedProperties of a material such as catalysts or the capacity of a material to capturing toxic gases can be highly dependent on the surface area accessible by the desired molecule. In general, the more porous a material, the higher the surface area. However, the increase in surface area from making something more porous with smaller and smaller...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Marc Donohue, Gregory Aranovich
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Algorithms
Increasing Rates of Catalytic Chemical Reaction by Operating Under Conditions of Adsorption Compression
Unmet NeedHeterogeneous catalysts are highly utilized on the industrial scale to make products such as refined gasoline for automobiles, hydrocarbons used for polymerization, fertilizers, polymers, decomposing a toxic outgas, and many other chemical transformations. Catalysts are capable of speeding up reactions, allowing them to operate at lower temperatures,...
Published: 3/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Marc Donohue, Gregory Aranovich
Keywords(s): Catalytic Materials (Catalysts), Industrial Manufacturing, Novel Materials
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Materials
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