Search Results - kyle+overdeep

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Reactive Multilayer Foils with Controlled, Discontinuous Structures for Chemical Time Delays
Unmet NeedSelf-propagating, exothermic reactions in powder compacts are commonly used as chemical time delays, but the performance of these delays is limited and environmentally hazardous materials such as lead oxide are often used. Vapor-deposited reactive materials (RMs) offer an alternative, environmentally friendly source for self-propagating reactions,...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Timothy Weihs, Kyle Overdeep
Keywords(s): Catalytic Materials (Catalysts), Forming, Industrial Manufacturing, Manufacturing Method, Novel Materials
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Industrial Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Materials, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Industrial Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Materials
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