Search Results - markus+hilpert

2 Results Sort By:
Method for Estimating Permeability of Fractured Rock Formations from Induced Slow Fluid Pressure Waves
The present invention relates generally to geophysical exploration. The invention relates to a method for estimating the permeability of fractured rock formations from the analysis of a slow fluid pressure wave, which is generated by pressurization of a borehole. Wave propagation in the rock is recorded with TFITM although other imaging or pressure...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Markus Hilpert, Peter Geiser, Bruce Marsh
Keywords(s): Environmental Sensing, Environmental Sensing Software, Imaging and Sensing Systems, Signal Display Software
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Sensors, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Energy, Infrastructure & Environment, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Energy, Infrastructure & Environment
A "Radiator" EGS for Extracting Geothermal Energy
An embodiment in accordance with the present invention includes an EGS configured to allow the commercial production of electrical energy. One criteria of an EGS according to the present invention is that the temperature and volume of the fluids extracted are sufficiently high and large enough as to allow the commercial production of electrical energy....
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Markus Hilpert, Peter Geiser, Bruce Marsh
Keywords(s): Charge Generator Devices, Industrial Manufacturing, Manufactured Devices
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Energy, Infrastructure & Environment, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Industrial Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Energy, Infrastructure & Environment, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Industrial Manufacturing
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