Search Results - ming-chung+chou

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Improved Fitting Calculation For Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Diffusion tensor imaging is a new MRI modality that is becoming an important technique to assess various types of brain diseases. However, this technique has one weakness; its extreme sensitivity to patient motions. The image is often corrupted by patient motions as small as cardiac pulsation of the brain. Even though this problem is ameliorated by...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ming-Chung Chou, Yue Li, Hangyi Jiang, Susumu Mori
Keywords(s): Image Display Software, Image Processing Software, Imaging and Sensing Systems, Imaging Modality, In Vivo Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software, Technology Classifications > Computers, Electronics & Software > Image Processing & Analysis, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Imaging, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices
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