Search Results - ronald+watkins

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MRI Radio-frequency Heating Amelioration for Metallic Braided Catheters
Unmet NeedOver 1,000,000 cardiac catheterizations are performed annually in the United States.  Catheters with a braided surface are most commonly used in vascular intervention because of their superior mechanical properties. While braided catheters made of metal provide the best mechanical manipulation, metallic catheters longer than a quarter of the...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ehud Schmidt, Ronald Watkins, Henry Halperin
Keywords(s): Cardiovascular Diseases, Disease Indication, Imaging and Sensing Systems, Imaging Modality, Imaging Probe/Transducer, In Vivo Medical Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Category(s): Clinical and Disease Specializations > Cardiovascular, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Surgical
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