Search Results - santiago+orrego

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A Bioinspired Composite with Mechanically Adaptable and Self-Healable Attributes
Unmet NeedEvery year millions of people are diagnosed with a variety of severe oral/bone diseases including periodontitis, large bone defects, and alveolar bone degradation. These diseases often result in the loss of bone cells in affected areas which can lead to several other complications such as osteoporosis and tooth loss. Such complications impede...
Published: 6/27/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sung Hoon Kang, Santiago Orrego
Keywords(s): Industrial Manufacturing, Manufacturing Method, Microfabrication
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Materials, Technology Classifications > Industrial Tech > Industrial Manufacturing, Technology Classifications > Medical Devices > Regenerative Medicine, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Materials, Technology Classifications > Engineering Tech > Industrial Manufacturing
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