The Electronic Portfolio (EP)

Case ID:

C01752: The Electronic Portfolio (EP)


A web-based framework for creating and maintaining a professional portfolio.

Value Proposition:

This invention allows working professionals and students to easily design and share a portfolio that highlights their education, skills, and accomplishments. The tool allows the author to upload and present artifacts that demonstrate competency related to any set of professional or personal standards. Artifacts can range from text documents to sophisticated multimedia. The template-driven tool allows an individual to focus on content and does not require extensive technology or web design skills. Advantages of the current embodiment include: :

• Does not require installation of software .
• Facilitates ongoing collaboration by furnishing portfolio developers with an easy, safe, and secure method for sharing their work .
• Allows the portfolio owner to select which part(s) of their portfolio are available for public viewing using a unique URL, and which parts are password protected .
• An interface which is both intuitive for novice users and sophisticated for experts
• A standards and goal-oriented approach which provides a simple method for tracking and measuring individual progress
• Integrated communication tools that allow professional communities to share work and provide feedback

Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed and coded a web-based application for maintaining a professional portfolio. This system will accommodate a set of educational or professional standards by which portfolios may be judged. These standards may vary depending on the organization using the system. Users will have the ability to amend and interpret these standards as they apply to their portfolio. Portfolios may contain typical resume elements, artifacts of past work, and peer reviews completed within the electronic portfolio system, all of which may be publishable to the public.

Looking for Partners:

To develop and commercialize the technology as a portfolio management and review platform.

Stage of Development:


Data Availability:

Study shows usability and value, system improvements ongoing.

Publications/Associated Cases:

Not available at this time.

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