Novel Genes of Kaposi's Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus (Human Herpesvirus Eight)

Case ID:
C03120: Novel Genes of Kaposi's Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus (Human Herpesvirus Eight)
Technical Details:
Karposi sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is a virus commonly occurring in AIDS patients and closely associated with Karposi’s sarcoma (KS), body cavity based lymphomas (BCBL), multiple myeloma, and multicentric Castleman’s disease (MCD). JHU scientists have discovered several novel viral open reading frames (ORF’s) for KSHV.
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This invention can be used commercially for the diagnosing of HHV-8 associated diseases such as Karposi’s sarcoma, Castleman’s Disease, Multiple myeloma, and Bady cavity based large cell lymphoma. This invention could also be used to provide a method of screening to test candidate drug compounds for treating HHV-8 infections.
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Genes of Kaposi's Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United States 09/230,637 6,264,958 11/23/1999 7/24/2001 7/24/2017 Granted
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