Mice with Targeted Inactivation of Presenilin 1 Gene

Case ID:
C03258: Mice with Targeted Inactivation of Presenilin 1 Gene
Technical Details:
The present invention relates to a transgenic non-human animal lacking native presenilin 1 (PS1) protein and a transgenic non-human animal expressing either the wild-type human PS1 or human PS1 containing a Familial Alzheimer’s Disease (FAD) mutation on native PS1 null background. The transgenic animal can be used in the study of the in vivo functions of PS1 and the effect of FAD mutation in PS1 function both during embryonic development and during aging.
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The PS1 transgenic animal can be used in the identification of compounds that modulate the expression or activity of PS1.
Publications: US 6,452,065
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