Facilitation of the Expression in Eukaryotic Cells of Exogenous Genes by an Exogenous Compound

Case ID:

C03611: Facilitation of the Expression in Eukaryotic Cells of Exogenous Genes by an Exogenous Compound

Technical Details:

Scriptaid is a histone deacetylase inhibitor that provides a simple means of increasing the efficiency of plasmid-based reporter and expression constructs. When added to mammalian cells in culture Scriptaid confers a 10 to 15-fold augmentation of gene expression. Scriptaid can be used with exogenous gene constructs, including viral and cellular promoters, different cell lines and reporter genes, and stably integrated and transiently introduced sequences. Scriptaid is non-toxic to cells and predictably synergizes, rather than interferes, with any further induction of transcription provided by stimulation of a defined signal transduction pathway.

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Scriptaid enables more sensitive reporter systems. Therefore, it is suitable for use in transactivation assays and as a component in commercial transfection kits. The increased sensitivity provided by Scriptaid enables the following advantages: - lower costs by minimizing cell number and culture volume - flexibility in reporter gene selection - minimized amount of required DNA per protocol - ability to use difficult-to-transfect cells - reporter detection under more physiologic conditions. -Scriptaid may also find uses in gene therapy and industrial or laboratory scale protein production.

Publications/Associated Cases:

Su, G. H., Sohn, T. A., Ryu, B., & Kern, S. E. (2000). A novel histone deacetylase inhibitor identified by high-throughput transcriptional screening of a compound library. Cancer Research, 60(12), 3137-3142.

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