A Single Image Registration Method for Image Guided Interventions

Case ID:

C03720: A Single Image Registration Method for Image Guided Interventions

Technical Details:

The purpose of this invention is to determine the three-dimensional position and orientation of an effector (a needle, probe, etc.) relative to a subject using single cross sectional images (e.g. from a CT or MRI scanner). A novel method has been developed for image guided effector placement that requires no immobilization of the patient or fiducial implantation. A localization module, integrated with a robotically positioned and controlled end effector, allows for localization of the effector in the image space using a single cross-sectional image.

In comparison with existing techniques, advantages of this method include:
1. One can directly locate the end effector with a single cross sectional image, allowing for rapid confirmation of effector position.
2. No external frames or calibration procedures are required. All registration is based only upon information contained in single cross-sectional images. This allows our system to be fast and relatively uncomplicated.
3. The system is minimally invasive - reducing patient discomfort, complications, and recovery time. There is no need to immobilize the patient with a stereotactic frame or to implant fiducial markers.

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This invention has a variety of applications. These include: 1. Percutaneous access to the spine (and other bony structures) 2. Prostate biopsy and therapy delivery 3. Percutaneous liver biopsy 4. Stereotactic brain biopsy and therapy delivery 5. Localized injection of drugs and other therapeutic agents

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