R-3327-AT-1 (Rat Prostatic Cancer Cell Line)

Case ID:

C03848: R-3327-AT-1 (Rat Prostatic Cancer Cell Line)

Technical Details:

AT-1 originates from the spontaneous tumor (R3327) of the prostate identified by W.F. Dunning in a 22 month-old inbred Copenhagen male rat (1961). R3327 has been maintained by continuous serial passage in rats for many years. In 1974, a variant was characterized at Johns Hopkins (i.e. H for Hopkins). The H subline is a slow-growing heterogenous tumor composed of clones of both androgen-dependent and ?independent tumor cells. In the course of the passage of the H subline in intact (i.e. not castrated) male rats, random tumor progression occurred due to the genetic instability of the tumor in an occasional rat, giving rise to fast growing anaplastic tumors within a single passage. AT-1 was the first of such anaplastic tumors to arise. Following subcutaneous transplantation in syngeneic male rats, AT-1 forms solid sheets of malignant cells with no indication of glandular function. These tumors are androgen-independent and grow continuously with a doubling time of approximately 2.5 days. AT-1 exhibits a low metastatic ability (<5% of rats inoculated sub-cutaneously develop distant metastases). After continuous serial passage, AT-1 gave rise to two distinct and highly metastatic anaplastic sublines. The MAT-LyLu subline (JHU-5) produced metastases to both the lymph nodes and lung, while MAT-Lu (JHU-4) produced lung metastases almost exclusively. The AT-1 subline can be used to study the effects of various types of cancer therapies on prostate cells. Together AT-1 and the related Dunning sublines also provide a valuable model for studying prostate malignancies both in vitro and in vivo.

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