
Case ID:

C03849: R-3327-3.1

Technical Details:

AT-3 originates from the spontaneous tumor (R3327) of the prostate identified by W.F. Dunning in a 22 month-old inbred Copenhagen male rat (1961). R3327 has been maintained by continuous serial passage in rats for many years. In 1974, a variant was characterized at Johns Hopkins (i.e. H for Hopkins). The H subline is a slow-growing heterogenous tumor composed of clones of both androgen-dependent and ?independent tumor cells. By growing the H subline in castrated male rats, the androgen independent HI-S subline was established in 1978. Continuous serial passage of HI-S in castrated male rats gave rise to the less differentiated fast-growing subline, HI-M, and subsequently the even faster-gorwing subline, HI-F. The completely anaplastic tumor subline, AT-3.1 arose within a particular passage of HI-F in 1982. Following subcutaneous transplantation in syngeneic male rats, AT-3 forms solid sheets of malignant cells with no indication of glandular function. AT-3.1 tumors grow continuously with a doubling time of 1.5-1.8 days regardless of the androgen status of the host and exhibit a high rate of metastasis to the lung and lymph nodes (>75% of rats inoculated sub-cutaneously develop distant metastases). The AT-3 subline can be used to study the effects of various types of cancer therapies on prostate cells. Together AT-3 and the related Dunning sublines also provide a valuable model for studying prostate malignancies both in vitro and in vivo.

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