Technical Details:
In the US, CHF is the number one cause of hospitalization in people over age 65, and it affected approximately 5 million people in 2004. This translates into a potential cost of $29 billion for the healthcare system. In the US over half a million new cases are diagnosed with, and over 50,000 individuals die from CHF each year. Current treatments are only moderately effective, first year mortality rates for CHF are comparable to those of many cancers. The CHF drug market is expected to approach $3 billion by 2010. Heart failure is characterized by a progressive loss in the heart's ability to pump blood. It is often called "congestive" heart failure, or CHF, because of the characteristic pooling of blood in sites such as the lungs or ankles. Heart failure usually develops when heart muscle is weakened following injury. Heart muscle injury that leads to HF can occur as a consequence of a number of diseases including coronary artery disease, untreated high blood pressure, heart attacks, inflammation of the heart tissue and diseases of the heart valves. In CHF an imbalance between left ventricular performance and myocardial oxygen coupling, a phenomenon known as mechanoenergetic uncoupling, leads to cardiac insufficiency. Experimental evidence suggests that reactive oxygen species play an important role in this phenomenon. Compounds such as allopurinol or oxypurinol reduce the accumulation of reactive oxygen species. While these compounds may reduce mechanoenergetic uncoupling, there is a great need for agents that can reverse this process. This technology provides agents and methods to reduce the accumulation of reactive oxygen species while also inhibiting other independent effects that contribute to mechanoenergetic uncoupling in the failing heart. Preliminary studies indicate that this technology is capable of reversing the mechanoenergetic uncoupling process. Accordingly, this technology offers the promise of greatly improved care for patients suffering from CHF.
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This technology provides agents and methods of reversing the mechanoenergetic uncoupling process in the failing heart, and offers the promise of greatly improved care for patients suffering from CHF.