Peptide Inhibitors or Modifiers of Angiogenesis and Their Applications

Case ID:

C05140: Novel Peptide and Protein Modulators of Angiogenesis


Identification of families of angiogenesis modulating peptides and development of computational screening methods for the same.

Value Proposition:

The invention features a list of protein families and certain isolated peptides which have been found to possess angiogenesis modulating properties by means of a bioinformatics based approach. Other advantages include:

• Identification of novel proteins which have not been associated with angiogenesis modulating.
• Proteins can be explored as novel drug discovery and development targets.
• Proteins could be used to generate monoclonal anti-bodies with anti-angiogenic potential.
• The methods can be used to develop angiogenesis microarrays.

Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins researchers have identified protein families, certain isolated peptides and their corresponding analogs with putative angiogenesis modulating properties by developing a bioinformatics based computational screening method for identifying such peptides. The peptide motifs of interest belong to the thrombospondin, CXC chemokine, collagen, somatotropin and serpin motifs.

Looking for Partners:

To develop & commercialize the technology as a pharmaceutical composition for treatment of cancer by angiogenesis inhibition

Stage of Development:


Data Availability:

Under CDA / NDA

Publications/Associated Cases:

C10753 , C04835 , C11348 , C11389

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Peptide Inhibitors or Modifiers of Angiogenesis and Their Applications PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United States 12/522,042 8,507,434 9/22/2010 8/13/2013 1/3/2028 Granted
Peptide Inhibitors or Modifiers of Angiogenesis and Their Applications DIV: Divisional United States 13/962,383 9,187,544 8/8/2013 11/17/2015 8/8/2033 Granted
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