Rapid Induction of Cancer Cell Death by Synergistic Treatment of Tetra-O-methyl Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (M4N) with either Rottlerin or Ly294002

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Technical Details:
M4N is an anti-cancer drug candidate, which is currently under the first phase of clinical trials. Although M4N can reduce tumor cell growth; it fails to induce quick tumor cell death. JHU scientists showed that the combination treatment of M4N with either two specific kinase inhibitors overcomes this problem. In vivo study demonstrated that the combination treatment reduced tumor metastasis and extended life expectancy of tumor-bearing mice significantly. This combination treatment can be a very important to improve the efficacy of M4N as an anti-cancer drug.
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This technology can be used to produce liquid containing M4N with an optimal amount ratio of M4N to either two specific kinase inhibitors. This will allow physicians to prescribe the optimal dosages of this combination treatment to patients.
Patent Status:  Issued Patents US 9149526; EP 2240168
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Supression of Cancer Growth and Metastasis Using Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Derivatives with Metabolic Modulators PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty European Patent Office 09701300.7 2240168 1/8/2009 5/14/2014   Granted
Supression of Cancer Growth and Metastasis Using Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Derivatives with Metabolic Modulators PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United Kingdom 09701300.7 2240168 1/8/2009 5/14/2014   Granted
Supression of Cancer Growth and Metastasis Using Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Derivatives with Metabolic Modulators PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty Germany 09701300.7 2240168 1/8/2009 5/14/2014   Granted
Supression of Cancer Growth and Metastasis Using Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Derivatives with Metabolic Modulators PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty France 09701300.7 2240168 1/8/2009 5/14/2014   Granted
Supression of Cancer Growth and Metastasis Using Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid Derivatives with Metabolic Modulators PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United States 12/812,196 9,149,526 9/30/2010 10/6/2015 1/8/2029 Granted
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