C10396 - Rabbit Polyclonal Anti-Pirt Antibody.

Case ID:
Polyclonal antibody that recognizes (Pirt) protein.
Technical Overview:
Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is a molecular sensor of pain. Its channel activity can be modulated by several mechanisms. JHU researchers describe a membrane protein, called phosphoinositide interacting regulator of TRP (Pirt), which is expressed specifically in the peripheral nervous system (PNS), predominantly in nociceptive (pain) neurons. Several experiments indicate Pirt is a key component of the TRPV1 complex and positively regulates TRPV1 activity.  To further study this signaling pathway, a JHU scientist has developed the rabbit polyclonal anti-Pirt antibody that recognizes the Pirt protein. 
Kush N. Patel, David Maag, Yixun Geng, and Xinzhong Dong J2008) Pirt, a phosphoinositide-binding protein, functions as a regulatory subunit of TRPV1. Cell 133:475-485.
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