Vertebral Body Reduction Instrument

Case ID:

C10608: Vertebral Body Reduction Instrument

Value Proposition:

Within the system, each module has two degrees of freedom (DOF) with uncoupled orthogonal translations. These uncoupled orthogonal translations allow for distraction/compression and translation of the vertebral bodies to be achieved over a defined spinal segment. Uncoupling of this action allows intuitive and controlled correction. Finally, the device can be used with almost any currently available spinal pedicle screw instrumentation and allows a continuous adjustment.

Technical Details:

Spondylolithesis is a type of spinal deformity where one vertebral body has displaced relative to another adjacent vertebral body. Surgical treatment strategies incorporate the concept of reduction and stabilization of the segment. Stabilization has been accomplished with the use of various pedicle screw constructs. Reduction of the deformity has always been a challenge, and all previous instruments have been unable to allow both correction of the translation as well as application of distraction across a segment in an independent fashion. This unique device uses several identical modules that are configured as needed for correcting the deformity.

Looking for Partners:

This system shall be employed for intuitive and controlled correction of vertebral body displacement. Its advantages include:

• Allows reorientation of the defined vertebral segment as needed via uncoupled orthogonal translations
• Less complicated than disk replacement products to would enable easier implantation
• Fewer risks and higher success rates than complicated procedures, allowing for faster adoption by surgeons
• Permits continuous adjustment and may be used with most currently available spinal pedicle screws

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Vertebral Body Reduction Instrument ORD: Ordinary Utility United States 12/766,481 9,161,787 4/23/2010 10/20/2015 4/23/2030 Granted
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