Host Defense Turned Viral Offense; Engineering the Next Generation of Oncolytic Adenoviruses

Case ID:

C10910: Use of RNA Interference and Adenovirus Therapy against Prostate Cancer

Value Proposition:

• Addresses a major patient need
• Enhances the therapeutic efficacy of CRAd strategy
• Creates the bases to develop enhanced oncolytic viral gene therapies with shRNA

Technical Details:

Prostate cancer is one of the most aggressive cancers worldwide. Each year more than 680,000 men are diagnosed with this cancer and approximately 222,000 lose their lives. Currently, there are a limited number of treatments available. One strategy for approaching this disease has been the development of prostate-specific conditionally replicating adenoviruses (CRAds). However, the potency of these viruses has been inadequate for a single modality therapy. JHU scientists have developed a novel prostate specific CRAd using RNA interference against cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (p21/Waf-1) in the backbone of this virus to augment its natural life cycle. Researcher showed for the first time that knockdown of p21/Waf-1 by shRNA in prostate cancer results in increased androgen receptor expression and androgen receptor-dependent promoter activity. By inducing the promoter activity, they enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of CRAd virus.

Looking for Partners:

Replication Competent Prostate specific Gene therapy vector

Patent Status: Granted US Patent 8,859,287

Publications/Associated Cases:

Höti N. et al (2010) Armoring CRAds with p21/Waf-1 shRNAs: the next generation of oncolytic adenoviruses. Cancer Gene Ther. 17(8):585-597.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR TREATMENT OF CANCER USING TISSUE-SPECIFIC ONCOLYTIC ADENOVIRUSES PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United States 13/511,878 8,859,287 8/15/2012 10/14/2014 12/2/2030 Granted
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