C11199: Targeted radiation- and chemo-enhancing heat therapy for cancerNovelty:
The proposed technology is a device and platform for treating local and metastatic cancer using multifunctionalized iron oxide nanoparticles in conjunction with radiation and chemotherapeutic agents.
Value Proposition:
Metastatic cancer is persistent and difficult to treat, but studies have shown that heat between 39 C and 49 C sensitizes metastatic cells to radiation and chemotherapy. This invention uses coated iron oxide nanoparticles capable of localizing in cancer cells to induce hyperthermia when exposed to low-power and non-injurious alternating magnetic field generated by a device that incorporates the features of both solenoid and Helmholtz coils. The suspended nanoparticles offer contrast with both magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and x-ray, facilitating image guided treatment of cancer through targeted delivery of both heat and chemotherapeutic (or radio-therapeutic) agent(s) to the diseased tissue. To prevent damage to healthy tissue, this technology includes a shielding method for both active cooling and protection from power deposition. Key advantages of this technology include:
• Precision of therapeutic delivery with finer control of dose-deposition
• Effective pain relief and delayed disease progression
• Improved therapeutic outcomes
• Image-guided monitoring of treatment and patient follow-up
• Delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs along with the nanoparticles to the tumor is possible
• Protection of healthy tissue allows targeted treatment over a large region of interest
• Data from animal models of metastatic cancer show safe delivery and treatment without systemic concentration of nanoparticles
• Our nanoparticle formulation produces therapeutic heat at much lower AMF power levels than any currently available iron oxide nanoparticle formulation, without sacrificing MRI contrast capability
Stage of Development:
Data Availability:
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