A Computer-Aided-Detection (CAD) system for personalized disease detection, assessment, and tracking, in medical imaging based on user selectable criteria.

Case ID:

C11439: Personalized Disease Tracking Imaging System


A novel personalized disease tracking imaging system to identify, measure, classify, and track diseases in the body over time (past, present, and future).

Value Proposition:

Advances in computers have greatly advanced the science of disease state imaging in individuals. Despite these advances, interpretation of these images, considered both difficult and time-consuming, is still mainly done by humans. To aid in these tasks, Computer-Aided-Detection (CAD) have been developed to assist in the interpretation of medical images. This invention can then be used to provide an objective assessment of both current disease state and, when applied longitudinally to the patient's medical imaging history, an objective assessment of disease progression and/or treatment response. Advantages that stand out:

• Easier and faster patient specific CAD system.
• Allows user-selectable criteria to objectively detect diseases.
• Measure, and classify disease while requiring minimal, if any, user input.

Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed an automated system which uses a medical personalized disease tracking imaging system to identify, measure, classify, and track disease over time. The system is an image-driven (i.e. personalized) computer-aided system for the detection and objective quantification of disease based on appropriate (user-selectable) criteria. This invention helps calculate individualized disease threshold via user-selectable method (e.g., disease-model, tracer-kinetics model) using patient specific normal reference measurements as method parameters.

Looking for Partners:

To develop and commercialize the technology as a Computer-Aided-Detection (CAD) system for personalized disease detection.

Stage of Development:


Data Availability:

Under CDA / NDA

Publications/Associated Cases:

Not available at this time

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