Reflector Filtered Quasi-monochromatic Talbot-lau Interferometers for High Sensitivity and Contrast Phase-contrast Imaging with Hard X-rays

Case ID:

C11639: Next-Generation Imaging System


This technology is an imaging system that uses X-rays for high sensitivity differential phase contrast imaging, producing high contrast images with excellent spatial resolution.

Value Proposition:

Current imaging technologies, such as MRI, suffer from poor spatial resolution but are able to image soft tissue. Additionally, while X-ray imaging has good resolution it offers poor soft tissue contrast. This invention is novel in its arrangement and combination of different types of reflectors to achieve high resolution images of biological tissue. Other advantages include:

• Improvement over MRI, ultrasound, and conventional X-ray imaging techniques by upgrading spatial resolution and contrast
• Enables the use of lower doses of radiation
• Tunable design based on intended application

Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a system for differential phase contrast imaging that uses refracted X-rays. This system produces images with high contrast and high spatial resolution with its novel arrangement of mirrors, gratings, and filters. Imaging in this manner reveals inhomogeneities that are below the spatial resolution of common imaging systems and can also have a volume contrast enhancing effect. Using X-ray differential phase contrast imaging enables imaging at energies where samples are low-absorbing, reducing the radiation dose required.

Looking for Partners:

To develop and commercialize the technology as an imaging system for biomedical applications such as mammography and surgical imaging, as well as materials science applications.

Stage of Development:


Data Availability:


Publications/Associated Cases:

Not available at this time.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Reflector Filtered Quasi-monochromatic Talbot-lau Interferometers for High Sensitivity and Contrast Phase-contrast Imaging with Hard X-rays DIV: Divisional European Patent Office 17153899.4   6/11/2012     Abandoned
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