C11663: 5hmC: A Novel Marker for Cancer Detection
The invention is a novel marker that can be detected in cancers using immunohistochemical (IHC) staining methods.
Value Proposition:
Cancers are often diagnosed in advanced stages, jeopardizing cancer patients’ chance to survive. This technique can detect different types of solid cancers from early to late stage. Other advantages include:
- Highly sensitive
- Easy to perform in formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues
- The Inventors have developed a robust IHC method for detection of 5hmC marker in cancers
Technical Details:
Johns Hopkins researchers found that highest 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) levels were observed in terminally differentiated cells, while less differentiated tissue stem/progenitor cell compartments had very low 5hmC levels. Furthermore, 5hmC levels were profoundly reduced in carcinoma of the prostate, breast and colon compared to normal tissues. These findings suggest a distinct role for 5hmC in tissue differentiation, and provide evidence for its large-scale loss in cancers.
Looking for Partners:
To develop and commercialize the technology as a diagnostic tool for different types of cancers. It may also be a therapeutic target in cancers.
Stage of Development:
Data Availability:
Data from human and mouse tissues
Publications/Associated Cases:
Oncotarget. 2011Aug; 2(8):627-37