Mouse Anti-LAG3 Monoclonal Antibody (4-10-C9)

Case ID:

C11691: Mouse LAG-3 Monoclonal Antibody


A mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) against LAG-3 (Lymphocyte Activation Gene 3).

Value Proposition:

LAG-3 is expressed on the cell surface of activated T-cells and is known to be an important global regulatory molecule that controls many aspects of T-cell proliferation and homeostasis. This invention is an effective mouse LAG-3 monoclonal antibody that can easily identify and locate the LAG-3 protein in the cell. This antibody may be useful in the study of T-cell activation or suppression in many diseases.

Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins and St. Jude researchers have developed a new mAb against D3/D4 domains of LAG-3. The specificity of the purified antibody was validated in Lag3-/- T cells.

Looking for Partners:

To develop & commercialize the technology as a research tool to study T-lymphocytes.

Stage of Development:

Ready for use

Data Availability:

Validated Data

Publications/Associated Cases:

Eur J Immunol. 2010 Jun;40(6):1768-77

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