Invention novelty: This invention is polymer based artificial cells that can be functionalized to induce an immune response or act as stem cells.
Value Proposition
Antibiotics are the most commonly used treatment for infectious diseases. Unfortunately, overuse and misuse of these compounds is fairly common, and results in the development of antibiotic resistant strains. This technology can act as a cell mimetic which can activate the body’s immune system to target specific pathogens. This specific induced immunity will decrease patient morbidity and improve quality of life. Additionally, this technology…
· Has tunable features including size, shape and composition of cell-surface factors
· Can be used for the targeted release of soluble drugs
· Can be functionalized to act as stem cells
Technical Details
This technology is artificial cells synthesized with biodegradable polymers and proteins. The artificial cells can be produced on both the micro and nano scale, and are able to mimic the functions of natural cells. The artificial cells are produced by creating microparticles from degradable polymer substrates, and then attaching ligand proteins to the polymer surfaces. The cells can be designed to encapsulate and subsequently release soluble factors, which can be used in therapeutic applications. The disclosed method of synthesis allows for independent control over the properties of the artificial cells: size and shape of the cells, composition and distribution of cell surface proteins, composition and release rate of soluble factors encapsulated by the cell, and the speed with which the polymer degrades can all be controlled individually.
Looking for Partners: To develop and commercialize the technology as a therapeutic tool to treat infectious diseases and as a tool for stem cell research.