Navigated Arthroscopic Treatment of Pincer-type Femoroacetabular Impingement with Precise 3D Planning

Case ID:

C11831: Hip Surgery Planning, Guidance, and Assessment System


A new method to perform arthroscopic hip surgeries with improved accuracy.

Value Proposition:

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is characterized by poor interaction between femur and acetabulum that limits range of hip motion and can lead to early osteoarthritis for young and active patients. Surgical treatment involves removing sections of bone that are responsible for the early contact; however, there are a number of challenges with this procedure. Firstly, surgical planning is often difficult due to the limitations of available imaging data. Additionally, there is a lack of precision in arthroscopic procedures, making it difficult to remove only the desired portions of bone. This invention provides a way to provide a reliable, reproducible surgical planning tool as well as a method for precise reshaping of the bone. Other advantages include:

• Simulation of post-surgical range of motion during planning
• Improved arthroscopic visualization
• Accuracy assessment between planned and actual surgery

Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a method for planning highly accurate hip surgeries. First, imaging data is used to build models and plan the surgery, where postoperative interaction can be simulated. During the surgery, the planned model is used to guide the surgical tools and provide detailed information on what regions of bone need to be removed. The result is a highly effective surgery that is available to more surgeons, as opposed to older methods that require a high degree of experience and skill.

Looking for Partners:

To develop and commercialize the technology as a new surgical platform for the image-guided and robotic surgery market.

Stage of Development:


Data Availability:

Mock procedures on cadavers

Publications/Associated Cases:

Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2011 Oct;469(10):2846-54

Patent Information:
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