PALB2 KO Cells: 130-2 and 10-7 (and PALB2 Heterozygotes: 55-7)

Case ID:

C11832: PALB2 Knockout Cell Line for Anti-cancer Drug Screening


Genetically modified human colon cancer cell lines in which either one or both copies of the PALB2 (Partner and Localizer of BRCA2) gene is deleted. These cell lines serve as great cancer drug screening tool.

Value Proposition:

PALB2 is essential for repairing damaged DNA and is commonly mutated in a subset of cancers, such as ovary, breast, and pancreas. This technology comprises of human cancer cell lines where the PALB2 gene has been knocked out. This cell line may serve as the basis of a simple and efficient system for anti-cancer drug screens.

Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins University researchers have generated three cancer cell lines that lack one or two copies of PALB2 gene. Using adeno-associated vector (AVV) system, one PALB2 heterozygous cell line (55-7) was first generated and then used to generate two independent PALB2 null homozygous cancer cell lines (130-2 and 10-7). The PALB2 knockout cell lines are sensitive to the toxic effects of DNA-damaging agents such as DNA-crosslinking drugs and PARP enzyme inhibitors. Therefore, the hypersensitive knockout PALB2 cell lines allow for high throughput anti-cancer drug screening. Several anti-cancer drug candidates have already been identified using these PALB2 deleted cell lines.

Looking for Partners:

To license this cell line for internal research use and drug screening.

Stage of Development:

Suitable for research use

Data Availability:

Under NDA / CDA

Publications/Associated Cases:

Am J Pathol. 2014 Jan;184(1):260-70


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