C11872: Novel Method to Visualize Cells that Undergo Apoptosis Reversal

Case ID:

Value Proposition:

This biosensor may be used to identify anastasis events in animals or cells, in screens to identify genes/protein/RNAs that modulate anastasis or in screens for small molecules that potentiate or inhibit anastasis.

Technology advantages:

- This biosensor can be used to label cells in vivo or in vitro.
- This technology permanently labels cells that experience transient caspase activation but survive and are able to reverse apoptosis.
- This technology may also be used to label cells that experience apoptosis-independent caspase activation.
- Specific embodiment to study anastasis in Drosophila currently available.
- This technology may be used to detect cells that survive chemotherapy/radiation or any other form of stress.

Technical Details:

The reversal of apoptosis is termed “anastasis”. Studies show that removal of apoptosis inducers can promote the reversal of programmed cell death in some cells and allow them to recover in spite of having passed critical check points associated with apoptosis. Inventors have designed and developed a biosensor to permanently label cells that undergo anastasis. This technology may be used as a research tool.

Publications/Associated Cases:

-Mol Biol Cell. 2012 Jun;23(12):2240-52

-US 20150026834

-JHU Ref. C14439: Anastasis Biosensor (Split version)


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Anastasis Biosensor DIV: Divisional United States 16/248,157 11,385,223 1/15/2019 7/12/2022 6/8/2033 Granted
Anastasis Biosensor CON: Continuation United States 17/854,989   6/30/2022     Pending
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