293 ShhN

Case ID:

C12239: Novel Cell Line Used in Hh ligand Production


This tangible material is a 293 ShhN cell line for production of soluble, active Sonic Hh (Shh) ligand.

Value Proposition:

The most well-known Hh pathway ligand, Sonic Hh (Shh), has been shown to participate in development of the central nervous system. This technology, by enabling production of Hh ligands, could offer a variety of potential clinical and logistical advantages that are likely to benefit diagnosis and treatment of central nervous system disorders.
Additional advantage of this cell line includes:

• Encodes only the amino-terminal signaling domain

Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins researchers have found that a specific cell line, 293 ShhN, facilitates the production of soluble, active Hh ligand. It was also found that the transgene encodes only the amino-terminal signaling domain, i.e. lacks cholesterol modification. When applied and utilized in production methods, this cell line could potentially have key implications for therapeutic efforts and clinical outcomes.

Looking for Partners:

To commercialize this technology to produce soluble, active Hh ligands.

Stage of Development:


Data Availability:

Under NDA / CDA

Publications/Associated Cases:

Not available at this time

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