1. Pkd2(tm1Tjw) Mouse line 2. Pkd2(tm1.1Tjw) 3. Pkd2(tm1.2Tjw) 4. Pkd2(tm1.3Tjw) 5. Pkd2(tm1.4Tjw)

Case ID:

C11274: Mouse Model to study Human Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Value Proposition:

Inventors disclose five mouse lines with loxP sites introduced into introns 10 and 13 of the mouse Pkd2 gene that allow its regulated inactivation using inducible Cre-recombinases. This mouse model can mimic the features of human autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and may be used to further our understanding of this condition and to test and screen potential therapies for this disease.

Mouse lines:

- Pkd2tm1Tjw mouse line; it also is known as Pkd2flox11-13. This line was generated by introducing a lox P site in intron 10 and an frt-flanked neomycin/loxP cassette in intron 13 by gene targeting. The following list of mouse lines is derived from this initial mouse line but each has unique features.
- Pkd2tm1.1Tjw (also known as Pkd2Äneo-the neomycin cassette has been removed by crossing Pkd1tm2Ggg to the Flp-deleter strain).
- Pkd2tm1.2Tjw (also known as Pkd2Ä11-13. This was produced by inducing Cremediated deletion of the lox-P flanked sequences of Pkd2Äneo in the germline).
- Pkd2tm1.3Tjw (a Pkd2tm1.1Tjw line that also carries a tamoxifen-inducible Crerecombinase, introduced into the mouse line by crossing Pkd2tm1.1Tjw in the C57/Bl6 background to B6.Cg-Tg(cre/Esr1)5Amc/J mice (Jackson Laboratories).
- Pkd2tm1.4Tjw (a Pkd2tm1.1Tjw line that also carries a Cre-recombinase under the control of the Tie-2 promoter, Tie2-Cretg mice.

Technical Details:

Mouse models can make essential contributions to our understanding of the cause, prevention and treatment of disease. This invention provides a mouse model for human autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and may be used to further our understanding of this condition and to test and screen potential therapies for this disease. This model may also be used to investigate the role and function of the Pkd2 gene.

Publications/Associated Cases:

Garcia-Gonzalez MA, et. al. Pkd1 and Pkd2 are required for normal placental development. PLoS One. 2010 Sep 16;5(9). pii: e12821.

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