Implantable Bioreactor for Delivery of Paracrine Factors

Case ID:

C11231 Implantable Bioreactor for Delivery of Paracrine Factors



Intracoronary infusion and intra-myocardial injection of stem cells are believed to improve cardiac function after a heart attack by enhancing repair of damaged tissue and regeneration of cardiac muscle and vascular cells.  Recent studies suggest that paracrine factors produced by stem cells may be one mechanism explaining their benefit.  However, stem cell retention and survival rates are very low following delivery to the heart and may limit the potential benefit. 


Scientists at Johns Hopkins have developed a novel implantable bioreactor housing stem cells or other cell types, which can produce, in situ, proteins and other biomolecules including stem cell-derived paracrine factors.  This bioreactor shield the enclosed stem cells from immunologic attack and prevent egress of the stem cells, while permitting free transfer of regenerative-enhancing and other biomolecules, nutrients, stem cell products, and fluids.



Bioreactor provides continuous, prolonged delivery of paracrine factors secreted by the stem cells while protecting them from immunologic clearance in an enclosed semi-permeable housing.


-       Release of paracrine factors produced by stem cells to improve cardiac function after a heart attack

-       Enhanced recovery of injured myocardium and other tissue utilizing stem cell based therapy.

-       Produce in vivo any biological compound generated from human or other types of cell.




-       First minimally invasive percutaneous bioreactor

-       First implantable device that can continually produce and release stem cell derived paracrine factors at very high efficiency. 



Bioreactor consists of an implantable enclosure housing stem cells or other cell types which produce and release growth factors.  The cell enclosure can consist of a physical enclosure fabricated from a semi-porous membrane, or a microporous polymer matrix encapsulating the stem cells.  The enclosure has micropores impermeable to cells, but of sufficient size to allow free permeation of fluid so that bio-products, wastes, nutrients can be transferred efficiently and without hindrance. 


Licensing Status: 

Available for licensing


Stage of Development: Unspecified


Keywords: Bioreactor, stem cell, therapy, implantable


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Methods for Promoting Healing of Tissue CON: Continuation United States 16/281,620 10,772,716 2/21/2019 9/15/2020 10/3/2031 Granted
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