Sapphire Ball Lens-based Optical Fiber Probe for Optical Coherence Tomography

Case ID:

C12120 OCT Probe with Improved Lens


Invention novelty: An optical coherence tomography (OCT) fiber probe using a sapphire ball lens for cross-sectional imaging and sensing.


Value Proposition: Optical coherence tomography is becoming a widely used tool for non-destructive cross-sectional imaging within biological tissues. Three challenges remain, however, when using micro-optical imaging for clinical surgery in a harsh environment. First, almost all the current fiber-optic OCT probes need a separate reference arm. Second, the fiber-optic probes are expected to remain intact even if they contact rigid specimens. Third, a common-path probe should have an isolated reference plane to prevent blood blocking the reference power in the case of retinal surgery or cardiovascular coronary imaging. To solve these challenges, a sapphire ball lens-based probe with a protected reference plane, a durable tip, and high sensitivity has been developed. The common path OCT probe (CP-OCT) has the following advantages:

-       Sensitivity up to 88dB

-       Works for both spectral domain OCT (SDOCT) and swept source OCT (SSOCT)

-       A sapphire ball lens has excellent optical imaging quality, a robust, high refractive index, and a smooth surface

-       Long working distance, superior performance in liquid environment


Technical Details: Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a probe, integrated with OCT system to perform in vivo or ex vivo imaging with a resolution up to cellular level. The system can provide comprehensive forward and side views of biological tissue in 2-D or 3-D view by combining the probe with rotating and pulling back devices. For the common path mode, the reference plane of the probe is formed at the distal beam exit interface of the single-mode fiber (SMF) which is encased within a casing or a generic optical waveguide and capped with a sapphire ball lens, facilitating its applications in bloody and harsh environments. Another mode uses a separate reference arm to form a traditional interferometer mode for sensing and imaging. The probes with a long working distance, protected reference arm, and rigid, smoothly curved imaging lens facilitate safe imaging and sensing of cornea and retina without scratching them during surgery—although one can still obtain a high quality image while touching the specimens.


Looking for Partners: To develop and commercialize the technology as a sapphire lens-based OCT probe for high-resolution, versatile imaging. 


Stage of Development: Pre-Clinical


Data Availability: Under CDA/NDA


Patent Status: Pending


Publication(s)/Associated Cases: Not available at this time


Categories: Medical Imaging

Keywords: OCT, common path, imaging, micro-optical,


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Sapphire Ball Lens-based Optical Fiber Probe for Optical Coherence Tomography ORD: Ordinary Utility United States 13/709,984 9,057,594 12/10/2012 6/16/2015 12/10/2032 Granted
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