Intrinsic Activity of proPSA

Case ID:

A System to Enhance Understanding of the Intrinsic Activity of ProPSA

JHU REF: [C12296]


Invention novelty: This technology is a system to enhance understanding of the intrinsic proteolytic activity of ProPSA.  Protein-specific antigen (PSA) is a protease secreted as a zymogen, ProPSA.


Value Proposition: Variants of ProPSA are poorly understood.  They are, however, believed to be inactive and indicative of poor clinical outcome.  Due to a lack of appropriate experimental systems, current understanding of PSA’s enzymology is limited.  In an effort to increase understanding, a series of PSA-derived mutants were developed.  This generated panel of recombinants included variants that abolished removal of the predomain, disabled its enzymatic activity, and/or facilitated a cell-based conversion to the active conformation.  Other advantages include:

-       Various applications in both clinical and research settings

-       Likely to be of benefit to diagnosis efforts and understanding of the prostate cancer

-       Panel of recombinants available for further experimentation



Technical Details: Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a series of PSA-derived mutants.  This panel of recombinants included variants that abolished removal of the predomain, disabled its enzymatic activity, and/or facilitated a cell-based conversion to the active conformation.  These variants were evaluated and characterized.  These findings and information represent a system that will prove useful for numerous applications.



Sangster‐Guity, Niquiche, et al. "Mutational analysis of prostate‐specific antigen defines the intrinsic proteolytic activity of the proPSA zymogen." The Prostate (2016).


Categories: System

Keywords: Prostate Cancer, Mutant, ProPSA, Prostate-specific antigen, enzymatic activity, intrinsic activity, recombinants 



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