Soluble Form of Activin Type IIB Receptor (ACVR2B/Fc)

Case ID:

Invention Novelty: This technology identifies the use of soluble receptor (ACVR2B/Fc) to block the activities of members of the TGF-beta superfamily of signaling molecules.


Value Proposition:

Myostatin is a member of the TGF-β family; it suppresses muscle growth and its absence stimulates muscle growth substantially. Most of the myostatin inhibitors that are being developed are monoclonal antibodies directed against myostatin. This technology describes a soluble form of ACVR2B/Fc that binds to and blocks TGF-beta signaling molecules resulting in significant muscle growth. Advantages include:

•       Treating human muscle degenerative diseases

•       Understanding the pathogenesis of muscle wasting in catabolic diseases including cancer, chronic kidney or heart failure

•       Enhance livestock production

•       Achieve better results over current myostatin inhibitors


Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins researchers generated a soluble form of the activin type IIB receptor (ACVR2B) receptor with enhanced stability in vivo by fusing the extracellular domain of ACVR2B to an immunoglobulin Fc domain. The soluble ACVR2B/Fc protein was then purified from cells. This soluble was shown to increase muscle mass after injections in mice.


Looking for Partners: To develop and commercialize the technology as a TGF-beta superfamily inhibitor.


Stage of Development: Pre-Clinical


Publication(s)/Associated Cases: PMID: 16330774


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