Wnt Signaling Mice

Case ID:

Title: Wnt Signaling Mice


JHU ref: C10729



JAX Stock No: 008614              B6;129-Sfrp2tm1Nat/J



LacZ and a selectable neomycin marker replace the first coding exon of the frizzled-related protein 2 gene in this targeted mutation strain. Homozygotes exhibit mild syndactyly of the toes of the hind legs and are viable and fertile. This strain my be helpful in studies of development.


This mouse can be used to support research in many areas including:

1. Developmental Biology Research

2. Skeletal Defects


3. Research Tools

        lacZ Expression





JAX Stock No: 008615                      B6;129-Frzbtm1Nat/J



LacZ and a selectable neomycin marker replace the first coding exon of the frizzled-related protein gene in this targeted mutation strain. Expression has not been tested in these animals. Homozygotes are viable and fertile and do not display any gross physical or behavioral abnormalities. These mice may be helpful in further clarification of the gene's function.


This mouse can be used to support research in many areas including:

1. Research Tools

          lacZ Expression




Publications: The Journal of Neuroscience, May 28,2008 . 28(22):5641-5653; Liu & Nathans (2008) Development 135:3567-3576




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