Luciferase-expressing TC-1 Tumor Cells (TC-1/luc) Cell Line

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One of the major limitations to ovarian cancer immunotherapy is the difficulty of generating ovarian cancer mouse models. Without suitable ovarian cancer models in immune intact mice, it will be difficult to test new therapies for ovarian cancers.
Firefly luciferase-expressing TC-1 cells (TC-1-Luc) was generated by JHU researchers with retrovirus carrying the luciferase gene. The retrovirus was produced with a pLuci-thy1.1construct expressing both luciferase and thy1.1. pLuci-thy1.1 was transfected into the Phoenix packaging cell line and the virion-containing supernatant was immediately passed through a 0.45-mm (pore size) cellulose acetate syringe filter and used to infect TC-1 in the presence of Polybrene. TC-1-Luc were isolated by preparative flow cytometry of stained cells with Thy1.1 antibody.
The TC-1-Luc cell line is generated by infecting the TC-1 cell line, a preclinical cancer cell line generated by immortalizing the primary lung cell of C57BL/6 mouse with HPV-16 E6 and E7 oncogenes and human c-Ha-ras oncogene, with retrovirus that contains a plasmid encoding firefly luciferase and thy1.1. The resulted TC-1-Luc tumor cell line constantly express firefly luciferase, which allows for the monitoring of tumor growth as well as the assessment of the effects of tested therapeutic strategies in controlling tumor in tumor bearing mice through luminescence imaging. Furthermore, the ability to monitor the location of tumor cells in mice allows for the examination of tumor metastasis in mice based on the migration of luminescence signals.
Tangible material:  TC-1-Luc tumor cell line
Pathology, School of Medicine
PI: T.C. Wu, M.D., Ph.D.
Chien-Fu Hung, Ph.D.

Cancer Res. 2007 October 15; 67(20): 10047–10057
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