SCID hprt-null, NOG hprt-null mice

Case ID:

Mouse models to cultivate cancer cells

JHU REF: [C12012 and C05132]


Invention novelty:

Propagation of human cancer cells in immunodeficient mice and isolation of these cells without contamination with mouse cells.


Value Proposition:

•       These mouse lines may be used for various applications including: Cancer cell line isolation. These mice may be especially useful in isolating cancer cells that are difficult to propagate.

•       Personalized chemosensitivity testing

•       Cancer precursor cell line isolation (e.g. adenomas, IPMNs).

•       Recovery of micrometastatic cells from whole organs.


Technical Details:

JHU scientists have developed three genetically modified mouse lines: Nude, SCID and NOG hprt null.

These animals are immunodeficient, allowing successful grafting of human primary cancers. When human cancers are growing in these animals, the biochemically defective (Hprt null) mouse stromal cells will replace the human stromal cells. When cancer cells are harvested from these mice and cultured in media, the addition of HAT selection media will kill the biochemically defective mouse stromal cells, facilitate the isolation of the human cancer cells, and therefore generate the low passage, patient-specific cancer cell lines. These cancer cell lines can be used in drug screening, biomarker discoveries, etc.   


Stage of Development: Animals available


Publication(s)/Associated Cases:

Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Mar 1;19(5):1139-46



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