Stool Color Card Smart Phone Application
JHU REF: [C12590]
Invention novelty: Mobile device application (app) for analyzing stool color
Value Proposition
Abnormalities in stool color can provide important clues regarding diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system. Specifically, red or black stool can suggest gastrointestinal bleeding whereas pale yellow or white stool can suggest obstruction of bile excretion as seen in cholestatic dieases of the liver (e.g., biliary atresia). This technology is a smartphone app that helps parents identify abnormalities in the color of an infant's stool that would suggest gastrointestinal bleeding or hepatobiliary obstruction. Other advantages include:
· Photo capture feature for objective analysis of stool color
· Alert notification if stool color requires medical attention
Technical Details
Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a diagnostic mobile phone application designed to analyze the color of an infant’s stool for clinical purposes. The app captures a photo of infant stool (including a feature to crop the photo to focus on stool), analyze stool color, and determine if the individual should consider seeking urgent medical attention.
Looking for Partners: N/A
Stage of Development: Not at this time
Data Availability: Under CDA/NDA
Patent Status: Pending
Publication(s)/Associated Cases: Not at this time