shRNA knockdown vectors to inhibit expression of specific nuclear Lamin proteins and variants

Case ID:
Invention novelty:
JHU researchers have designed and tested several several shRNA knockdown vectors that can inhibit specific isotypes of lamin proteins as well as variants that cause disease.

Value Proposition:
Many disease arise form aberration in proteins of the nuclear lamina. The researchers have designed and are testing several shRNA knockdown vectors that can inhibit specific isotypes of lamin proteins as well as variants that cause disease.

Technical Details:
The JHU researchers have demonstrated that they can target Lamin A expression without perturbing the Lmain C isoform, which is derived from the same gene. In addition to potential therapeutic potential, this will be useful for studying Lamin A versus Lamin C function. Johns Hopkins researchers have been able to specifically knock down Lamin A, an isotype often mutated in disease.

Publication(s)/Associated Cases: J. Cell Biol. Vol. 208 No. 1 33–52

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