SUB280 Yeast with Hygromycin Marker at LEU2

Case ID:
An Ubiquitin Expressed Yeast Strain at LEU2 

JHU REF: [C12803]

Invention Novelty: A genetically engineered single ubiquitin expressed Yeast strain at (leucine) LEU2 to serve as an in vivo model for the discovery of ubiquitin linkage roles in subcellular signal pathways
Value Proposition: Unique Polyubiquitination (polyUb) linkage combinations serve essential roles in several nondegradation pathways that dictate substrate fate within the cell, but due to insufficient in vivo models and ubiquitin’s dynamic nature, little is known about ubiquitin linkage dependent pathways. This technology is a single ubiquitin expressed yeast model at LEU2 which can serve as an in vivo research model to further examine Lys63-polyUb specific relationships and analysis of its conjugates. Other advantages include:
  •   to assist in yeast strain identification within culture
  • Models have similar signal patterns to human cells
  • Specific analysis of individual Ub transgene relationships
  • Discovery of novel Poly-Ub chain subcellular dynamics
Technical Details: Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a single ubiquitin expressed mutant yeast model at LEU2 in order to provide an in vivo research tool to identify the role of Poly-Ub linkage combinations in nonproteasomal degradation pathways. Inventors used molecular genetic engineering techniques to replace UB14 gene with LEU2 inducing a hygromycin resistance which can serve as a marker or assist in strain identification. This yeast model overall will facilitate study of Lys63-polyUb specific linkages and its protein conjugates.
Looking for Partners: To develop and commercialize the technology as a tool to model ubiquitin- dependent regulated subcellular pathways and study its linkage- specific relationships
Stage of Development: Ready to Use                                   
Data Availability: Proof of Principal
Patent Status: Tangible Material
Publication(s)/Associated Cases: Nature Methods 9,303–309 (2012)
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