Engineered pH-sensitive protein switches

Case ID:
Here we show that a single charge buried in a hydrophobic environment in a protein can stabilize a partially folded protein. This suggests a strategy that will greatly facilitate the study of structural and thermodynamic properties of protein folding intermediates, and also suggests how buried ionizable groups can be used to engineer artificial pH sensing domains in proteins.
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Insertion of Charge in the Hydrophobic Interior of Proteins as a Strategy for Engineering pH-sensitive Switches ORD: Ordinary Utility United States 14/507,381 10,138,471 10/6/2014 11/27/2018 3/3/2036 Granted
Insertion of Charge in the Hydrophobic Interior of Proteins as a Strategy for Engineering pH-sensitive Switches PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty European Patent Office 14851059.7   10/6/2014     Abandoned
Insertion of Charge in the Hydrophobic Interior of Proteins as a Strategy for Engineering pH-sensitive Switches PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty Canada 2,926,248   10/6/2014     Abandoned
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