A pulse pileup effects compensation method for photon counting detectors (PCDs)

Case ID:
Unmet Need
Photon counting x-ray detectors (PCSD) can potentially boost the usefulness of clinical x-ray computed tomography (CT) scanners by efficiently measuring x-ray spectrum information, i.e., improved contrast-to-noise ratio in images, reduced radiation dose, and improved material decomposition.  A major hindrance to their adoption in the clinical setting is their limited speed.

Technology Overview
Johns Hopkins faculty member, Dr. Ken Taguchi, has developed software using Photon counting x-ray detectors having increased speed.  Pulse pileup effects (PPEs) distort spectrum and decrease counts recorded by PCDs, which is nearly impossible to correct for. This method integrates a PPE model into forward imaging process and iteratively compensates for PPEs. The approach is similar to iterative methods with physics effects developed for nuclear medicine (SPECT and PET).

Stage of Development
Dr. Taguchi has preclinical stage data to validate his software.
C12151 describes the pulse pileup models used in this compensation method.

"Sinogram Restoration Algorithm for Photon Counting Clinical X-ray CT with Pulse Pileup Compensation".
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