Multifunctional Nanoprobe-enabled Capture and Early Detection of Microbial Pathogens

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Unmet Need
Conventional monitoring of food safety and environment relies on laboratory based biochemical methods such as PCR and ELISA assays. While these methods are well established and possess high sensitivity and specificity, they are time consuming, laborious, require skilled personnel, sophisticated facilities and strict cleaning standards, which prohibit operation in field conditions.
Biosensors that integrate elements for biological recognition and signal transduction have emerged as robust, state-of-the-art detection for food- and water-borne pathogens. This invention presents the conceptual development of a novel multifunctional nanoprobe sensing strategy for early detection of food- and water-borne microbial pathogens with an ultralow detection limit.
Technology Overview
Hopkins researchers are developing a multifunctional nanoprobe based upon plasmonic-magnetic (e.g., Au-Fe3O4) heterodimer nanoparticles with a fluidic biosensor for the capture and early detection of pathogens. The device combines the advantages of magnetic capture and optical transduction. Optical transducers are very sensitive and have the potential for device miniaturization, cost reduction, simplified operation and field applications.
The nanoparticle conjugated microorganisms will be captured by a magnet or solenoid in the device’s fluid pathway, which is then analyzed by an optical transducer (colorimetry or transmittance spectroscopy). Two optical sensing techniques may be utilized: 1) imaging by a confocal fluorescence microscope, e.g., captured pathogens can be imaged; 2) a fiber optic spectrometer operating at UV/Visible wavelengths will provide in-line detection of the optical signals from plasmonic gold (Au) in the nanoprobes, enabling real-time monitoring of the accumulation of captured microorganisms. The amount of captured pathogens can then be calculated with an ultralow detection limit (<10 cfu/ml).
Stage of Development
Prototype in development
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Multifunctional Nanoprobe-enabled Capture and Early Detection of Microbial Pathogens ORD: Ordinary Utility United States 14/950,367 10,345,304 11/24/2015 7/9/2019 11/24/2035 Granted
MULTIFUNCTIONAL NANOPROBE-ENABLED CAPTURE AND EARLY DETECTION OF MICROBIAL PATHOGENS DIV: Divisional United States 16/431,441 11,061,032 6/4/2019 7/13/2021 2/4/2036 Granted
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