Elevated CCL19 after Completion of Therapy for Acute Lyme Disease Identifies Patients at Risk for Development of Post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome Who Will Benefit from Further Antibiotic Therapy

Case ID:

Unmet Need: Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne disease in temperate regions that can lead to persistent and life-altering symptoms including arthritis and neurological dysfunction. Even when caught and treated early, approximately 10-20% of patients have persistent symptoms lasting 6+ months known as posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS). Currently, no strategy exists to identify individuals at risk for developing PTLDS.


Technical Details: Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have discovered a novel biomarker to identify patients at risk for developing post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS). The chemokine CCL19 was found in a prospective clinical cohort to be persistently upregulated over time and independently associated with later development of PTLDS. Statistical analysis identified a CCL19 cutoff of >111.67 pg/ml one month after initial early treatment for Lyme in accurately predicting later PTLDS development. Use of CCL19 expression as a biomarker to predict PTLDS provides a novel opportunity for additional early intervention to reduce risk of PTLDS development.


Value Proposition:


·        Novel biomarker CCL19 identifies risk of PTLDS development after early Lyme disease intervention

·        Use of biomarker can inform additional treatment strategies in the acute stage of infection to prevent PTLDS

·        Broad application to screen all acute Lyme infections


Looking for Partners to: Develop & commercialize the technology as a biomarker for patients in need of secondary antibiotic treatment course for Lyme disease.


Stage of Development: Biomarker identified in prospective clinical cohort


Data Availability: Ex vivo analysis from clinical cohort


Inventors: John Aucott, Mark Soloski


Patent Status: Granted: 10,481,165


Publication(s): Aucott JN, Soloski MJ, Rebman AW, Crowder LA, Lahey LJ, Wagner CA, Robinson WH, Bechtold KT. (2016). CCL19 as a chemokine risk factor for posttreatment lyme disease syndrome: a prospective clinical cohort study. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 23(9):757-766.

Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
Elevated CCL19 after Completion of Therapy for Acute Lyme Disease Identifies Patients at Risk for Development of Post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome Who Will Benefit from Further Antibiotic Therapy DIV: Divisional United States 16/058,316 10,481,165 8/8/2018 11/19/2019 4/16/2036 Granted
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