The Johns Hopkins iCareBook for Pancreatic Cancer

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Unmet Need
Pancreatic cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells starting at the pancreas, a glandular organ which secretes enzymes and hormones which help regulate the digestive system. Pancreatic cancer develops rapidly due to aggressive tumor cell biology. Survival rate is low with approximately 8% of those diagnosed surviving the first five years after all stages of diagnosed pancreatic cancer. Due to the serious and life-threatening nature of this type of cancer, providing educational material and support for diagnosed individuals, as well as, their family and friends is crucial. There is an unmet need for educational and support material that is both patient centered and personalized for optimal self-management of the disease. Furthermore, contact between diagnosed patients and medical professionals, as well as, regular hospital appointments are necessary due to the fast developing nature of pancreatic cancer.
Technology Overview
The Johns Hopkins iCareBook for Pancreatic Cancer is designed to educate and empower patients, family members and friends while navigating the health care system with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. The app has three main sections. The MY DISEASE section contains important information on the pancreas and pancreatic cancer with emphasis on the diagnosis and treatment of the disease including information on cysts in the pancreas. The MY TEAM section provides information about each of the different specialties making up the multidisciplinary team that cares for patients with pancreatic cancer. The MY TEAM section can be personalized with names and pictures of the user’s caregivers and can integrate with the iOS contacts list. The section can also be used to take notes, such as questions to ask a particular health care specialist. The third section is the MY CARE JOURNAL. This section can integrate with the built-in iOS Calendar and has tools that help to navigate the health care system allowing the user to track appointments, take notes, record symptoms including pain, and to document medications.
Stage of Development
An iPad application for the Johns Hopkins iCareBook is free and available in the iTunes store:
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