Method for Labeling, Purifying, Enriching and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Extracellular Vesicles Using Surface-functionalized Magnetic Particles

Case ID:
Unmet Need
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane structures that are naturally occurring and act as carriers for DNA, RNA, or nutrients. Recently EVs have also been looked at as potential drug delivery systems or carriers of biomarkers for particular diseases. MRI is a non-invasive method to image EVs and study their movement and distribution throughout the body to understand the pharmacokinetics of EVs. Current methods of labeling extracellular vesicles (EVs) for MRI imaging, however, produce low intensity signal and can produce false positives due to free labeling agents outside the vesicles. Purification methods need to be developed that produce a high yield of labeled EVs without contamination of external labeling agents, and the signal to noise ratio for MRI imaging is necessary.
Technology Overview
The inventors have created a method to improve the purification and enrichment of EVs using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO) for MRI imaging. This method produces highly purified EVs by functionalizing the SPIOs with specific binding moieties that allow for an additional separation and purification of the labeled EVs from the free floating SPIOs. Highly purified labeled EVs are essential to mitigate false positives, and increased enrichment of EVs with SPIOs enhances image quality. This method improves accurate detection and measurement of the spatiotemporal quantity and distribution of EVs in the body. This is essential for locating and measuring the therapeutic effects of EVs used for targeted drug delivery or to track and monitor biomarkers for particular diseases.
Stage of Development
The current method provides a 97% purification efficacy. In vivo tracking of magnetically labeled EVs in the kidney and liver using MRI has been demonstrated.
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
STICKY PARTICLES FOR EFFICIENT IMAGING PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty United States 17/438,874   9/13/2021     Pending
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