Johns Hopkins Atlas of Ovarian Tumor Pathology iPad App

Case ID:
Unmet Need
Ovarian cancer is the most common cancer in women and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death in women. Every year, a quarter of a million women around the world are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The treatment for ovarian cancer is most effective when the cancer is caught early. In order to improve early diagnosis of ovarian cancer, residents, fellows, and practicing pathologists need to become beter trained in recognizing and treating all types of ovarian cancer.
Technology Overview
The inventors have developed a mobile app to teach medical professionals to correctly diagnose and treat ovarian cancer. The mobile app contains 1644 microscopic and gross images that have been annotated by experts and that highlight and discuss features essential to making diagnoses in ovarian tumor pathology. Specifically targeting residents, fellows, and practicing pathologists, the app is composed of eight different educational modules, including a module on mucinous ovarian tumors, a searchable image atlas, an image-based quiz with 102 questions, and an image flashcard module. By consistently testing the users’ ability to recognize a wide variety of ovarian tumors, their application in the field will be greatly improved and general diagnoses will be more successful.
Stage of Development
The inventors are currently developing and testing a prototype of the app.
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