Invention Novelty:
This invention provides DNA methylation-based biomarkers for predicting postpartum depression (PPD) risk .
Value Proposition:
PPD occurs in approximately 10-15% of women and represents a serious health risk to both mothers and their offspring. Increased depression risk in pregnant women is not predicted by hormonal fluctuations. This invention provides a set of DNA methylation biomarkers capable of predicting PPD risk. Advantages of this technology include:
Technical Details:
PPD associated biomarkers were identified in a cross tissue and species analysis. In the mouse, estrogen-deprivation induced DNA methylation changes in the hippocampus were assessed. Concurrently, women patients, half of which developed PPD after child birth, had their second and third trimester blood samples collected during pregnancy. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood and genome-wide DNA methylation profiling was performed. Genes whose DNA methylation levels correlate with PPD developments were identified. Statistical analyses combining the mouse and human data led to identification of the disclosed set of PPD methylation biomarkers.
Looking for Partners: To commercialize this invention as a postpartum depression risk diagnostic test.