X-ray Image-based Bone Fragment Tracking

Case ID:

Invention novelty:

This invention is a surgical navigation system that assists in acetabular realignment during periacetabular osteotomies (PAO) in hip dysplasia patients.


Value Proposition:

Patients with hip dysplasia have a shallow, dish-shaped acetabulum, compared to a normal cup-shape. Untreated hip dysplasia can lead to a breakdown in joint cartilage, arthritis and fractures. PAO surgery is recommended for young patients over joint-replacement due to short hardware lifetime. PAO surgery involves the cutting and realignment of the acetabulum in order to form a deeper socket, requiring the surgeon to assess the new joint angle intraoperatively by X-ray. Currently, PAO surgeries are generally performed without computer assistance, however, utilizing this surgical method could improve the process by:

·      Assessing the bone realignment by a series of biometrics computed automatically by the software to ensure proper realignment prior to fragment fixation.

·      Uses intraoperative x-ray imaging, which PAO surgeons already need to perform and are comfortable doing so.

·      Many other surgical navigation systems require optical trackers, which not all hospitals own, are costly, and can be disrupted by occlusion.


Technical Details:

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a system that based on 2D-3D registration integrates a preoperative computed tomography scan with intraoperative x-ray images with fiducial references to produce a 3-D visual-assistance to the surgeon when realigning the acetabular fragment during PAO. Additionally, the software automatically calculates a series of biometrics to determine if the realigned joint is correctly positioned, prior to fragment fixation.


Looking for Partners: To develop and commercialize the technology as a surgical navigation system for PAO surgeries or any similar bone-fragment realignment procedure.


Stage of Development: Pre-Clinical


Data Availability: Under CDA/NDA


Inventors: Mehran Armand, Robert Armiger, Ryan Murphy, Jyri Lepisto, Yoshito Otake


Publication(s)/Associated Cases: Publicly available report from JHU CiiS Lab


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date Patent Status
X-ray Image-based Bone Fragment Tracking ORD: Ordinary Utility United States 14/503,715 9,715,739 10/1/2014 7/25/2017 10/1/2034 Granted
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